Sunday, July 29, 2012

<a Href=http//wwwebaycouk/itm/new156laptopscreencompaqpresariocq60205ez/260577973692pt=uk_computing_laptop_screens_lcd_panelsandhash=item3caba855bc>how Is Bad Breath

How is Bad Breath Caused? - Layton Utah Dentist | Dentist in Layton UT

Layton Utah Dentist. Visit or call us at (801) 903-2890 for more information about dental care services in Layton Utah. In this video, Dr. David Felt, a dentist in Layton Utah, discusses the causes of bad breath. "Bad breath is primarily cause because of the bacteria that is already within all of our mouths. Dry mouth, that can lend to bad breath. You'll notice you wake up in the morning with some pretty not good breath. Again it's because the bacteria is on your tongue, it's on your cheeks, it's in between teeth, it's everywhere, it's not being rinsed and cleansed. With bad breath we recommend you brush frequently, twice a day is good. Brush your tongue, brush your cheeks, make sure you are cleaning your mouth thoroughly. Using a mouth rinse can help as well. Another thing that I recommend frequently is to chew gum. Chewing gum will increase salivary flow which in turn will help improve one's bad breath. Again there are other things that we can do here in the office. We do talk to patients from time to time to help improve bad breath. I hope that this video was helpful and answered some of your questions. We've got many other videos available with several different questions. If you have a question—something that we've not answered—feel free to call us. We're here and available to help here in our office. You can also check out our website. We have quite a bit of information on the website as well. But I hope that this has been helpful. Have a ...

Video Rating: 5 / 5

What is the best toothpaste? - Layton Dentist | Dentist in Layton Utah

Dentist in Layton Utah. Visit or call us at (801) 903-2890 for more information about dental care services in Layton Utah. In this video, Dr. David Felt, a dentist in Layton Utah, discusses what is the best toothpaste. "We get the question about toothpaste frequently. The answer that I commonly give is "whatever works the best; whichever one you like the most, that's the best". Many toothpastes come with a lot of different bell and whistles—with tartar control, whitening, or breath freshening. There are so many different ones out there. All of those bells and whistles are great, and they do serve a purpose, but the most important part of your toothpaste is the fluoride and most toothpaste will have similar too, if not the, concentration of fluoride in that toothpaste. That's the number one thing I recommend patients look at. Look at your toothpaste to make sure it's anti-cavity and has fluoride because that's what's ultimately going to strengthen your teeth and give you the best results. I hope that this video was helpful and answered some of your questions. We've got many other videos available with several different questions. If you have a question—something that we've not answered—feel free to call us. We're here and available to help here in our office. You can also check out our website. We have quite a bit of information on the website as well. But I hope that this has been helpful. Have a great day." For more information about dental care in ...

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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