Friday, August 10, 2012

Local Dentist To Host Emergency

Layton, UT January 27, 2006

After being supported by the members of Davis County for 20 years, local dentist Terry Preece is going to give a gift from his heart this Valentine?s Day. He and his office staff will host a free emergency dental care day February 14th from 8:30 am to 5pm at the Layton Hills Healthy Smile Center.

?The community really is the reason why I?m here,? Preece said. ?And what better time to express my appreciation for them then on the international day of love and friendship.?

Preece and his staff all volunteered to treat people free of charge on a first-come first-served basis all day long. He said the day is for local people experiencing financial hardship who have no other way to pay for dental work.

Procedures will be limited to one per person so as many people as possible can be helped. The most painful or serious problem will be the one treated.

?Oral pain can be some of the worst kind of pain there is,? Preece said. ?Repairs of broken, chipped, cracked, abscessed or infected teeth are definitely on the list of ?emergency procedures? to be performed.?

Preece said the day is not just for teeth but for gums as well. Sore, tender or bleeding gums may mean gingivitis or periodontitis; commonly called gum disease, both can result in bone loss, bad breath and other serious health problems.

Hygienist Tess Hulet said regular cleanings, check ups and, of course, brushing and flossing every day are the best way to keep gums from becoming infected.

?Many people don?t realize that gum disease means they have a pus filled infection in their mouth,? Hulet said. ?It?s gross, I know, but when that infection starts moving into your blood stream and throughout your body, other health problems start to appear.?

Those interested in receiving emergency dental care need to be in good general health. Preece and his staff reserve the right to not treat high risk medical people, such as those with uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure. Definitive care such as dentures, crowns and bridges will not be performed.

For more information on the Emergency Dental Care Day, contact the Layton Hills Healthy Smile Center at 2152 North Hill Field Road, Suite 2 or (801) 776-3300.


Get Out of Your Way: Unlocking the Power of Your Mind to Get What You Want

What is it that you want in life? Do you want to make a million dollars? Do you want to travel the world and have a magnificent home? Do you want a great family?What is it that you want right now? Do you want to quit smoking? Lose weight? Get over fears of flying, public speaking or going to the dentist?Well, what is stopping you?In Get Out of Your Way, Layton Park reveals that there is really only one thing that is preventing you from achieving any of your desires: your mind. Your mind and especially that part of your mind called the subconscious has developed certain patterns, habits and beliefs. They limit your choices and that prevents your success. All you have to do is get rid of those old, unwanted patterns and habits, install new positive ones and you'll be able to obtain whatever you like. All you have to do is change your mind, and That's easy, right?Well, it should be easy, but for most people its not.But That's not your fault. Were simply not trained in how to change old beliefs and habits and install new ones. Luckily, you will learn how to do this with the techniques in Get Out of Your Way.The Two Secrets of ChangeIn this book Park reveals that there are two things you must do in order to change. The first is to design the changes you want using appropriate terms and concepts. The book instructs you in the proper way to do this to achieve your goals, and the goals can be anything: •Improve your health •Stop smoking •Lose weight •Overcome fears •Get a better job •Earn more moneyYou'll learn exactly what you need to putinto your subconscious mind in order to succeed. The second secret is the method of getting these goals to be accepted by your subconscious. There is a critical voice that literally gets in the way, preventing your mind from changing.In order to succeed you need to be able to bypass

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